Barati Cable Network

November 25, 2019
Python, Django, PostgreSQL, Javascript, VueJS


To manage employee, day to day bill collection, complain register, connection management and customer management.

Tools & Technologies

Python, Django, PostgreSQL, JavaScript, VueJS, Vuetify

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Story of "Barati Cable Network"

Barati Cable Network has their 1000+ customers to manage. They have Cable TV and Broadband internet both. The system was designed to manage customers, collect bills, Identify the connection type of customer, Complain registerer from remote area. Customer Login. They was overall happy to get the system.

The app has following features,

  • Customer Registration
  • Customer Dashboard
  • Bill Collection
  • Bill adjustment
  • Role based permission system.
  • Handling a huge number of transactions.
  • Complain register from the customer end
  • Assign complain to employee (Field Agent type employee)
  • Everyone can create a complain ticket
  • Only admin can manage permission from the UI.
  • Highly configurable from UI

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